We charge the following fees per person (no VAT). Payment by bank transfer is required in advance of the session.

Mediation information and assessment meetings £100 per person
Signed court form if required No charge
Joint mediation session £100 per person per hour
Joint mediation session (90 mins) £150 per person
Parenting Plan £100 per person
Schedule of Assets & Liabilities and supporting documents £150 per person
Summary of Proposals £150 per person

The above charges include reasonable administrative dealings with you by email / phone, and a mediation record following any joint mediation meeting. Room hire for in person mediation is shared equally between you and passed on at cost. Any additional fees (for instance for child inclusive mediation, or attendance of a co-mediator or other professional) will be discussed with you and agreed in writing in advance.

Worked example

A finance mediation involving 5 joint mediation sessions (online, 90 minutes each) that reached agreement and was written up as a Summary of Proposals for a solicitor to draft a binding consent order, would cost £1,150 per person, as follows:

Per Person
Assessment meeting: £100
5 x 90 min sessions (5 x 150): £750  
Schedule of Assets & Liabilities: £150
Summary of Proposals: £150
Total: £1,150 per person

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